Industrial Use of Renewable Raw Materials: Chemistry, Biotechnology, Process Engineering

14 - 15 February 2012
DECHEMA-House, Frankfurt


The change of the raw material basis in the chemical industry becomes more and more reality. Strategies for the intensified use of bio-based products are developed in Germany and the EU with regard to 2020. Funding programmes for the creation of sustainable value chains using biomass are currently developed.

Prerequisites for the change to a low carbon economy or bio-economy are aside from access to sustainable produced biomass - efficient treatment and refining technologies for the provision of platform chemicals, which could be used in well established value chains of the chemical industry.

This symposium is targeting experts from industrial and academic research, who are involved in the chemical use of renewable resources. Innovative solutions for raw material production, biomass treatment and process engineering along the value chain will be presented.

A special highlight of the conference will be the presentation of large national and European research projects for the development of innovative biorefining strategies.

An exhibition which accompanies the conference will be an opportunity for companies to present innovative processes and solutions.

Thomas Hirth, Chair of  the ProcessNet Working Group "Renewable Raw Materials for the Chemical Industry" and Roland Ulber, Chair of the DECHEMA-Subject Division "Biotechnology of Renewable Raw Materials"


Please download your programme as pdf.file (750 kb)

Upcoming deadlines:

January 17, 2012     Deadline for room reservation

January 22, 2012     Deadline to be included in the list of participants

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